The escape velocity from earth is 2.5 x10^4 miles per hour. What is this speed in m/s? (1 mile 1609 m)


To convert the speed from miles per hour to meters per second, you can use the conversion factor:

1 mile = 1609 meters
1 hour = 3600 seconds

First, we convert miles per hour to meters per hour by multiplying by the conversion factor:

2.5 x 10^4 miles/hour * 1609 meters/mile = 4.0225 x 10^7 meters/hour

Then, we convert meters per hour to meters per second by dividing by the number of seconds in an hour:

4.0225 x 10^7 meters/hour ÷ 3600 seconds/hour = 1.1179 x 10^4 meters/second

Therefore, the escape velocity from Earth is approximately 1.1179 x 10^4 meters per second.

To convert the speed from miles per hour (mph) to meters per second (m/s), we need to use the given conversion factor of 1 mile equals 1609 meters. Here's how you can do the conversion:

1. Start with the given speed in mph: 2.5 × 10^4 mph.

2. Multiply this speed by the conversion factor:
2.5 × 10^4 mph × (1609 m / 1 mile).

3. Simplify the expression and perform the calculation:
(2.5 × 10^4) × (1609).

Note: In scientific notation, to multiply numbers in the form a × 10^b, you multiply the coefficients (a) and add the exponents (b).

Using the calculator:
(2.5 × 10^4) × (1609) = 40225000.

4. The result is 40225000 meters per hour.

5. To convert from meters per hour to meters per second, divide the speed by 3600 (since 1 hour is equal to 3600 seconds):
40225000 m/hr / 3600 sec/hr.

6. Simplify the expression and perform the calculation:
40225000 / 3600 = 11173.6111 m/s (rounded to four decimal places).

Therefore, the escape velocity from Earth in m/s is approximately 11173.6111 m/s.