what were the independent and dependent variables used in "discovering love" study by Harlow?


Lots of information and sources in there.

In Harlow's study called "the discovering love," the independent variable is the type of surrogate mother the baby monkeys were exposed to. The dependent variable is the attachment and bonding behavior of the baby monkeys towards their surrogate mothers.

To find more information about the independent and dependent variables used in Harlow's study, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the study's title, "discovering love," by Harlow using a search engine like Google.
2. Look for reliable sources such as academic journals, research papers, or books that discuss Harlow's study in detail. For instance, you can search for articles in databases like JSTOR, PubMed, or Google Scholar.
3. Read the abstract, introduction, methodology, and results sections of the research to understand the study design, variables, and their definitions.
4. In the methodology section, Harlow will likely explain how monkeys were randomly assigned to different surrogate mothers, which constitutes the independent variable. The surrogate mother types can include a wire mother or a cloth mother.
5. In the results section, the study will discuss the observed behaviors of the baby monkeys towards their surrogate mothers, which will be described as the dependent variable.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather more detailed information about the independent and dependent variables used in Harlow's "discovering love" study.