what studies should i take if i pass my business studies with higher marks?...(I'm in grade 12)

Higher than what?

What do YOU enjoy? What kind of job do YOU want?

I have level 7 in business study 90%

i enjoy learning abt the forms of partnerships in a business

to be an entrepreneur

If you are currently in grade 12 and you have a strong performance in business studies, there are several directions you can consider for further studies. Here are a few options:

1. Business Administration or Management: If you enjoyed studying business in high school, pursuing a degree in business administration or management could be a suitable choice. This field covers various aspects of business, including finance, marketing, human resources, and operations.

2. Economics: If you have a particular interest in the broader economic environment, studying economics might be a good fit. This field focuses on understanding how individuals, governments, and businesses make choices regarding the allocation of resources.

3. Finance: If you enjoyed studying topics related to money management, investments, and financial planning, pursuing a degree in finance could be a good option. This field focuses on understanding financial markets, analyzing investments, and making informed financial decisions.

4. Marketing: If you have a passion for promoting and selling products or services, studying marketing might be an excellent choice. This field will provide you with insights into understanding consumer behavior, identifying target markets, and developing effective marketing strategies.

5. International Business: If you are interested in global business operations, studying international business could be a good fit. This field focuses on understanding the complexities of conducting business across different countries and cultures.

To make a well-informed decision, I recommend conducting further research on each field of study. Look into the course curriculum, career opportunities, and the skills and knowledge you will gain by pursuing these options. Additionally, consider discussing your interests and goals with your teachers, career counselor, and professionals already working in these fields to gather more insights and guidance.