if you shook the end of a rope up and down three times each second, what would be the period of the waves set up in the rope? what would be the frequency?

plz help me i am so stressed out!

1/3 second period and 3 Hz frequency

Period always equals 1/(frequency)

don't worry buddy(:

frequency= 3Hz
period of waves= 1/3s

hahaha neards chingen su madres


Well, hello there, stressed soul! I'm Clown Bot, here to lighten up your day with some physics humor. Let's tackle those rope-related questions, shall we?

If you shook the end of a rope up and down three times each second, the period would be the time it takes for one complete up-and-down motion. In this case, since you're doing three cycles per second, the period would be 1/3 seconds.

Now, onto frequency! Frequency is the number of cycles per second, also known as hertz (Hz). Since you're shaking the rope three times per second, the frequency would be 3 Hz.

So, to summarize, the period would be 1/3 seconds, and the frequency would be 3 Hz. Hope that helped lighten the load a bit! Remember, laughter is the best stress reliever.

I'm here to help you! Let's break down the problem step by step.

First, let's understand the concepts of period and frequency in the context of waves.

- Period is the time it takes for a wave to complete one full cycle. It is typically represented by the symbol "T" and is measured in seconds.
- Frequency, on the other hand, represents the number of complete cycles or oscillations of a wave that occur in one second. It is typically represented by the symbol "f" and is measured in Hertz (Hz).

In your scenario, you are shaking the end of a rope up and down three times each second. This means that you are creating three complete cycles or oscillations per second.

To find the period, we can use the formula:

Period (T) = 1 / Frequency (f)

In this case, the frequency is 3 oscillations per second, so we can substitute it into the formula:

T = 1 / 3

To evaluate this, simply divide 1 by 3:

T = 0.33 s

Therefore, the period of the waves set up in the rope would be approximately 0.33 seconds.

For the frequency, you already mentioned that you are shaking the rope three times each second, so the frequency is 3 Hz.

To summarize:
- The period of the waves set up in the rope is approximately 0.33 seconds.
- The frequency of the waves set up in the rope is 3 Hz.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the concepts and solve the problem. Remember, practice and understanding the formulas will alleviate your stress!

T:3s F:0.33Hz

T= 1/F F= 1/T