5.What did Europeans bring to Africa that eventually led to the ending of imperialism

Specific education

Sometime around the 1880s European countries, for a variety of reasons, began to take control or colonize some area in Africa and Asia at an alarming rate. The expansion of European power in this period took many forms, but no matter the form it had greed at its center. There was, first of all, economic expansion. Europeans invested large sums of money around the world, building railroads and ports, mines and plantations, factories and public utilities all for their own benefit. It worked, as trade between nations grew greatly and a world economy became more industrialized. European economic penetration was very often peaceful, but they did attempt to force the economies of the countries they controlled to produced goods that they needed first and foremost. For example, Great Britain had a great need for tea to be produced so they made sure that India focused on tea production. The economies of any African and Asian countries began to be nothing more than puppets of the European power in control of them.

Another part of imperialism of Europe was setting up vast political empires, mainly in Africa but also in Asia. This "new imperialism" occurred primarily between 1880 and 1990, when European governments scrambled frantically for territory. The causes of the new imperialism are still argued. As usual it was about money, but in the case of the land it was also about the powers in EUrope not trusting each other and fighting over territory. Competition for trade, superior military force, European politics, and a racist belief in European superiority were among the most important reasons for this colonization. Some Europeans believed imperialism to be wrong because it went against ideas of freedom and equality. European imperialism produced various reactions in Africa. Some Africans fought for more freedom, but were defeated. Eventually most groups in African began to accept European rule, which did bring some improvements. Eventually the irony of Imperialism ended it. European and American ideas of Freedom began to spread throughout Africa. European had brought a specific education to Africa and by spreading those ideas, the Africans began to see Imperialism as hypocritical and it began to end slowly after WWI.

European and American ideas of Freedom began to spread throughout Africa. European had brought a specific education to Africa and by spreading those ideas, the Africans began to see Imperialism as hypocritical and it began to end slowly after WWI.

European brought a specific education and had ideas of freedom

The specific education taught the Africans about freedom and independence.

1what is another term for imperialism used in reading

1 is colonization


Thank you

You're welcome.

Europeans brought specific education to Africa that eventually led to the ending of imperialism in several ways. The introduction of education by Europeans in Africa had a significant impact on the African population and played a key role in bringing about the end of imperialism.

Here is an explanation of how to get the answer to your question:

1. Research European education in Africa: Begin by researching the historical context of European colonization in Africa. Look for information on how Europeans established educational systems in African territories they colonized.

2. Understand the impact of education: Once you have an understanding of the educational systems implemented by Europeans, look for the impact it had on Africans. Explore how education influenced the development of local leaders, intellectuals, and movements calling for independence.

3. Study the rise of African nationalism: Investigate the connection between education and the rise of African nationalism. Determine how education gave Africans the knowledge and tools to challenge colonial rule and demand self-determination.

4. Explore the role of educated elites: Examine the role of educated African elites who emerged as leaders in political and social movements fighting for independence. Investigate how their education contributed to their ability to organize and mobilize for change.

5. Analyze the broader effects of education: Consider how education enabled Africans to question the legitimacy of colonialism, perceive their own cultural heritage, and develop a sense of national identity. Reflect on how this ultimately undermined European imperialist claims of superiority.

By researching and understanding the impact of education brought by Europeans to Africa, you can gain valuable insights into how this led to the erosion of imperialism and the eventual independence of African nations.