1. At what age does exercise begin to result in strength in boys

and girls?
A. Between ages one and two
B. Between ages three and four
C. Between ages five and six
D. Between ages six and seven
2. Athlete’s foot is an infection caused by
A. dirt. C. allergic reaction.
B. poor nutrition. D. fungi.
3. Temperatures in child care education settings should be set
at _______ in summer and _______ in winter.
A. 55 to 65, 65 to 85
B. 60 to 63, 70 to 73
C. 68 to 72, 65 to 75
D. 72 to 80, 70 to 78
4. When playing outside, children should wear protective clothing and play in shaded
areas to
A. avoid radiation from sunlight.
B. avoid being stung or bitten by insects.
C. prevent attacks of scabies.
D. stay cool and maintain psychological equilibrium.
5. What type of hazard is a spider bite?
A. Physical C. Biological
B. Chemical D. Ergonomic
6. What are the three methods by which HIV and AIDS are usually transmitted?
A. Sex, food, and drink
B. Breastfeeding, sexual intercourse, and shared blood
C. Air, water, and shared bodily fluids
D. Skin contact, sexual intercourse, and shared clothing
7. Children should not be served drinks in containers made of
A. Styrofoam. C. treated ceramic.
B. uninsulated paper. D. stainless steel.
8. Which of the following is a suitable toy for a toddler?
A. A riding toy C. A trampoline
B. A walker D. Powdered clay
9. The most effective way to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning is by
A. remaining alert to the odor.
B. keeping an adequate supply of breathing masks at hand.
C. heating buildings with oil or electricity.
D. installing and maintaining carbon monoxide detectors.
10. A child who has to struggle to climb into a chair is confronting a/an _______ hazard.
A. biological C. ergonomic
11. Which type diapers meet the American Health Association’s standards?
A. Diapers composed entirely of paper composite
B. Cotton diapers
C. Paper diapers with absorbent gelling materials
D. Recycled diapersB. physical D. environmental
12. Which the following should be used to clean in educational or child care facilities?
A. Bleach C. Lead chloride
B. Radon D. Mineral spirits
13. In America, _______ million children live in poverty.
A. 7 C. 25
B. 14 D. 37
14. Some child psychologists have concluded that _______ is the strongest predictor of
both scholastic and career achievement.
A. physical illness C. emotional well-being
B. respect for authority D. inherited intelligence
15. Refrigerated foods should be stored at _______ degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
A. 31 C. 45
B. 35 D. 55
16. The National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends a minimum
of _______ square feet of usable floor space per child.
A. 10 C. 45
B. 35 D. 50
17. Blood pressure is a measure of
A. the ratio of red blood cells to white blood cells.
B. the pressure exerted by hemoglobin against the vascular walls.
C. oxygen levels in the blood.
D. how hard the heart is working.
18. A child’s ability to jump for distance is an example of
A. agility. C. explosive power.
B. flexibility. D. reaction time.
19. If a child swallows any portion of a poisonous plant, a caregiver should immediately
A. administer syrup of Ipecac.
B. call the poison control center with the plant in hand.
C. use the Heimlich maneuver to help the child cough up the plant.
D. have the child lie down and apply cold compresses.
20. The most important consideration when installing playground equipment is
A. cost. C. finishing materials.
B. height. D. surface materials.

And you want to manage a day care?

Who on earth would bring their child to a cheat?

1. E

2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B

When playing outside, children should wear protective clothing and play in shaded

areas to
A. avoid radiation from sunlight.
B. avoid being stung or bitten by insects.
C. prevent attacks of scabies.
D. stay cool and maintain psychological equilibrium.

1. To determine at what age exercise begins to result in strength in boys and girls, we need to look for information on child development and physical fitness. This information can be found in reputable sources such as books, scientific journals, or reliable websites that specialize in child development or fitness.

2. To find out what causes athlete's foot, we can search for information on this specific condition. Reputable medical websites, books, or articles can provide information on the causes of athlete's foot, including the specific fungi that cause the infection.

3. The recommended temperatures in child care education settings can be found in guidelines or regulations set by relevant authorities or organizations. Searching for information on child care regulations or guidelines in your specific location can provide the recommended temperatures for summer and winter.

4. The reasons why children should wear protective clothing and play in shaded areas when playing outside can be found in sources that provide safety guidelines for children. Look for resources such as child safety websites, parenting books, or guidelines from relevant organizations that focus on child safety and outdoor play.

5. To determine the type of hazard a spider bite is, we can refer to sources that provide information on different types of hazards. Look for resources that explain the different categories of hazards - physical, biological, chemical, and ergonomic - and their characteristics, including examples of each type.

6. Information on how HIV and AIDS are usually transmitted can be found in reputable sources such as medical websites, educational materials on sexual health, or publications from organizations that focus on HIV/AIDS prevention and education. Look for information on the primary methods of transmission and their prevalence.

7. Information on suitable drink containers for children can be found in guidelines or recommendations from relevant organizations or authorities that deal with child health and safety. Look for resources that provide guidelines on safe and suitable drink containers for children.

8. To determine a suitable toy for a toddler, we can refer to guidelines or recommendations from reputable sources such as child development experts, pediatricians, or organizations that focus on child safety and development. Look for information on age-appropriate toys and their benefits for toddlers.

9. Information on the most effective ways to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning can be found in resources that focus on home and family safety. Look for guidelines or recommendations from authorities or organizations that specialize in carbon monoxide safety.

10. To determine the type of hazard a child faces when struggling to climb into a chair, we can refer to resources that explain different types of hazards. Look for information on biological, chemical, physical, and ergonomic hazards, and their characteristics and examples.

11. To find out which type of diapers meet the American Health Association's standards, we can refer to guidelines or recommendations from the association itself or other reputable sources that focus on child health and safety. Look for information on diaper materials and their compliance with safety standards.

12. To find out what should be used to clean educational or child care facilities, we can refer to guidelines or recommendations from relevant authorities or organizations that specialize in facility hygiene and safety. Look for information on safe and effective cleaning agents for educational or child care environments.

13. The number of children living in poverty in America can be found in reliable statistics or reports released by government agencies, research institutions, or reputable organizations that focus on child welfare and poverty. Look for recent data or studies on child poverty rates in the United States.

14. To determine the strongest predictor of scholastic and career achievement, we can refer to research studies conducted by child psychologists or educational experts. Look for studies that explore the factors influencing academic and professional success in children and their findings on the most influential predictors.

15. The recommended storage temperature for refrigerated foods can be found in food safety guidelines or regulations set by relevant authorities or organizations. Look for information on safe food storage temperatures for various types of refrigerated foods.

16. The recommended minimum square footage of usable floor space per child, as recommended by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, can be found in the organization's guidelines or recommendations for child care environments. Look for information on space requirements in early learning settings.

17. To understand what blood pressure measures, we can refer to medical sources such as textbooks or reputable websites that focus on cardiovascular health. Look for information on how blood pressure is measured and its significance in assessing cardiovascular health.

18. To determine the example of jumping for distance, we can refer to sources that explain different components of physical fitness. Look for information on different physical fitness attributes such as agility, explosive power, flexibility, and reaction time, and their characteristics and examples.

19. To find out the appropriate response when a child swallows a poisonous plant, we can refer to guidelines or recommendations from poison control centers, pediatricians, or child care safety resources. Look for information on first aid procedures and appropriate actions to take in the event of a poisoning incident.

20. To identify the most important consideration when installing playground equipment, we can refer to guidelines or recommendations from organizations or authorities that focus on playground safety. Look for information on factors such as cost, height restrictions, finishing materials, and surface materials and their impact on playground safety.