ABC is a triangle with circumcenter O, obtuse angle BAC and AB<AC. M and N are the midpoints of BC and AO respectively. Let D be the intersection of MN with AC. If 2AD=(AB+AC), what is the measure (in degrees) of ∠BAC?

To find the measure of angle BAC, we can use the information given and some geometrical properties of a triangle.

Let's start by considering triangle ABC:

1. The circumcenter, O, is the point where the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle intersect. In triangle ABC, triangle AOM is a right triangle since AO is the perpendicular bisector of BC, and segment AO is also a radius of the circumcircle.

2. Since M is the midpoint of BC, we know that AM is also a median of triangle ABC.

Now, let's use the information given:
2AD = AB + AC

Since AD = DC (as DM is the median of ABC), we can rewrite the equation above as:
2DC = AB + AC

Since AB < AC, we know that AB + AC > 2AC. Therefore,
2DC > 2AC

This tells us that point D lies beyond point C on AC. Therefore, AD is longer than AC.

Since we know AD > AC, we can rewrite the equation 2AD = AB + AC as:
2AC + 2AD > AB + AC + 2AC
2AC + 2AD > AB + 3AC
2(AC + AD) > AB + 3AC

From this inequality, we can see that the sum of AC and AD is greater than AB. Since AB is the shortest side of triangle ABC, this implies that angle BAC is the largest angle in the triangle (the obtuse angle).

Therefore, angle BAC is obtuse.

However, we cannot determine the measure of angle BAC without additional information.

To solve this problem, we need to apply some geometric concepts and properties of triangles.

Let's start by drawing a diagram to visualize the given information. We have triangle ABC with circumcenter O, and midpoints M and N. The line MN intersects side AC at point D. Since AB is less than AC and angle BAC is obtuse, the triangle is scalene.

We are given that 2AD is equal to the sum of AB and AC, or 2AD = AB + AC.

Now let's analyze the properties and relationships in the diagram to find a way to solve for the central angle BAC.

1. Consider the circumcenter O: The circumcenter is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the triangle's sides. In this case, triangle ABC is obtuse, so the circumcenter O lies outside the triangle. However, the exact location of O is not essential for solving this problem.

2. Observe that AO is a diameter of the circumcircle: The circumcenter lies on the perpendicular bisector of any chord of the circle, which means AO is a diameter. As a result, angle BOC (inscribed angle) is a right angle.

3. Triangles ABO and ACO have right angles: Since angle BOC is a right angle (as mentioned in point 2), angles BAO and CAO must also be right angles because they are subtended by the same arc.

4. Use the property of midpoints: Since M is the midpoint of BC, it implies that BM = MC. Similarly, since N is the midpoint of AO, it implies that AN = NO.

Now let's proceed with the solution:

We can see that triangle ABO is similar to triangle ADC by the AA similarity criterion. This similarity arises from the following pairs of corresponding angles:

1. Angle ABO is equal to angle ADC (both are right angles, as explained in point 3).
2. Angle BAO is equal to angle CDA (alternate interior angles).
3. Since angle BAC is obtuse, angle ABC is acute, which makes angle ABC equal to angle DAC (alternate interior angles).

Thus, we have established that triangle ABO is similar to triangle ADC.

Since these triangles are similar, their corresponding sides are proportional. We can express this relationship as:

AB / AD = AO / AC     (1)

Now, using the property of midpoints (as mentioned in point 4), we have:

AC = 2 * AD    (using the given equation 2AD = AB + AC)

Substituting these values into equation (1) above, we get:

AB / AD = AO / (2 * AD)

Simplifying further, we find:

AB / AD = AO / 2*AD
AB / AO = 1 / 2

Since AB is less than AO (since O lies outside the triangle), we find that AB is half the length of AO.

Now, consider the property of midpoints again (as mentioned in point 4):

AO = 2 * AN

Substituting these values into the above equation, we have:

AB / (2 * AN) = 1 / 2

Multiplying both sides by 2, we find:

AB / AN = 1

Since AB and AN are corresponding sides of similar triangles ABO and ADC, their ratio is equal to 1. Therefore, angles BAO and NAD are congruent.

From the given equation 2AD = AB + AC, we can substitute AB = 2AD - AC into the above ratio:

(2AD - AC) / AN = 1

We know that AN = NO, so we can further substitute AN = 2AD, which yields:

(2AD - AC) / 2AD = 1

Cross-multiplying, we have:

2AD - AC = 2AD

Simplifying further, we get:

-AC = 0

This equation implies that AC equals zero, which is not feasible. Therefore, there is no value for the measures of angle BAC that satisfies the given conditions.

Therefore, we cannot determine the measure of angle BAC based on the given information.