
-2w / w(w+4)

Sorry its


-2w / w(w^2 + 4)

it is already factored

Did it say simplify?

that would be

To factor -2w / w(w+4), we can break it down step by step.

Step 1: Factor out the common term -2w from the numerator:
-2w / w(w+4) = (-2w/w) * (1 / (w+4))

Step 2: Simplify the fraction -2w/w. The 'w' term cancels out, leaving -2.

Step 3: Put the simplified fraction from Step 2 together with the remaining fraction from Step 1.
(-2w/w) * (1 / (w+4)) = -2 * (1 / (w+4))

So, the factored form of -2w / w(w+4) is -2 / (w+4).