Please explain how to solve this problem.

7x-6/3 + 4(8+2x)

6 / 3 = 2

7 x - 6 / 3 + 4 ( 8 + 2 x ) =

7 x - 2 + 4 ( 8 + 2 x ) =

7 x - 2 + 4 * 8 + 4 * 2 x =

7 x - 2 + 32 + 8 x =

15 x + 30 = 15 ( x + 2 )

To solve the problem 7x - 6/3 + 4(8 + 2x), we will follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Step 1: Simplify within parentheses.
In the expression, the term within parentheses is 8 + 2x. It does not contain any further simplification or operations, so we can leave it as it is.

Step 2: Perform multiplication.
Next, we multiply the coefficient (4) by the term within parentheses (8 + 2x), using the distributive property. This gives us 4 * 8 = 32, and 4 * 2x = 8x.

The expression becomes: 7x - 6/3 + 32 + 8x

Step 3: Simplify division.
Next, we simplify the division by dividing -6 by 3. This gives us -2.

The expression becomes: 7x - 2 + 32 + 8x

Step 4: Combine like terms.
Now, we combine the like terms by adding the coefficients of x. The like terms are 7x and 8x. Adding them gives us 15x.

The expression becomes: 15x - 2 + 32

Step 5: Perform addition.
Finally, we add the remaining terms -2 and 32. This gives us 30.

The final simplified expression is: 15x + 30.

Therefore, the solution to the problem 7x - 6/3 + 4(8 + 2x) is 15x + 30.