You earned a $25 gift card by working in Apangea and have purchased four items. Please list these items in the table below along with their cost. Then calculate the cost of each item as a fraction a decimal and as a percentage.

1.Pack of pencils Amount $2.00
Fraction 2/25
Percent 8%

2.Markers Amount $2.00
Fraction 3/25
Decimal .12
Percent 12%

3.Poster Amount $10.00

Fraction 10/25
Decimal 0.40
Percent 40%

4.Watch Amount $10.00
Fraction 10/25
Decimal 0.40
Percent 40%

Are these correct?

Assuming you have a typo in # 2, they are all right.

Yes it was a typo, Thank you

You're welcome.

To list the items and their costs in a table:

Item | Cost
Pack of pencils | $2.00
Markers | $2.00

To calculate the cost of each item as a fraction, you need to find the fraction that represents the cost of the item out of the total value of the gift card.

Since the total value of the gift card is $25, the fraction for the pack of pencils would be 2/25, and for the markers, it would be 2/25 as well.

To calculate the cost of each item as a decimal, you divide the cost of the item by the total value of the gift card. For the pack of pencils, it would be $2.00 ÷ $25.00 = 0.08, and for the markers, it would also be $2.00 ÷ $25.00 = 0.08.

To calculate the cost of each item as a percentage, you multiply the decimal value by 100. For the pack of pencils, it would be 0.08 * 100 = 8%, and for the markers, it would also be 0.08 * 100 = 8%.

So the cost of each item can be stated as:

1. Pack of pencils: Fraction 2/25, Decimal 0.08, Percent 8%
2. Markers: Fraction 2/25, Decimal 0.08, Percent 8%