The value, V< of Juan's investment portfolio can be modeled by the equation V=16t^2-256t+16,000. When will Juan's investment portfolio be worth $16.576.00?

I think you wrote the last number wrong

but, making a reasonable assumption, just solve

16t^2+256t+16000 = 16576
t = 2

To find when Juan's investment portfolio will be worth $16,576.00, we need to set the equation equal to $16,576.00 and solve for t.

The equation is: V = 16t^2 - 256t + 16,000

We set it equal to $16,576.00: 16,576.00 = 16t^2 - 256t + 16,000

This creates a quadratic equation that we can solve by using the quadratic formula:

The quadratic formula is: t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Comparing the equation to the standard quadratic form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, we can assign values:

a = 16, b = -256, c = 16,000

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

t = (-(-256) ± √((-256)^2 - 4(16)(16,000))) / (2(16))

Simplifying further:

t = (256 ± √(65,536 - 10,240)) / 32

t = (256 ± √55,296) / 32

t = (256 ± 234.91) / 32

So we have two possible solutions:

t = (256 + 234.91) / 32
t = 490.91 / 32
t ≈ 15.34

t = (256 - 234.91) / 32
t = 21.09 / 32
t ≈ 0.66

Therefore, Juan's investment portfolio will be worth $16,576.00 approximately in 15.34 years or 0.66 years.