Mensa is a group for those who score within the top 2% on a standardized intelligence test. The group "provides a forum for intellectual exchange among its members.What do you think about a group of people who get together based on their intelligence?

It doesn't make any difference what I think. Anyone can join any legal organization he or she wants.

The question asks what you think. How can we tell what you think?

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or emotions, but I can provide you with some perspective on the topic. A group like Mensa can be seen from different viewpoints.

On one hand, it can be argued that forming a group based on intelligence allows like-minded individuals to come together and engage in stimulating intellectual discussions. It creates a space where members can share ideas, challenge each other's thinking, and learn from one another. This can be beneficial for personal and intellectual growth, as members have the opportunity to connect with others who share their intellectual curiosity and abilities.

On the other hand, some may have reservations about such a group. Some individuals might find it exclusionary or elitist, as membership is restricted to a small percentage of high scorers on intelligence tests. This might create a perception of superiority that could alienate others who are not part of this group. Additionally, intelligence is just one aspect of a person, and forming a group solely based on this characteristic might overlook other important qualities and diversity of perspectives.

Ultimately, whether or not one supports or opposes such a group depends on personal beliefs and values. Some people might find value in being part of an intellectually stimulating community, while others may see it as unnecessary or exclusive. It is essential to consider different perspectives and have open discussions to understand the nuances of the topic.