The weather forecast states that there is a 70% chance of rain tomorrow. Which of the "definitions" of probability is relevant to this statement and explain why?

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The relevant definition of probability in this statement is the frequentist interpretation of probability. It considers probability to be the long-term relative frequency of an event occurring. In this case, the weather forecast is likely based on historical data and statistical analysis of previous weather patterns.

To determine the probability of rain tomorrow, meteorologists examine past weather data and calculate the percentage of days on which it rained under similar conditions. This approach assumes that the future weather will be similar to the past and relies on the idea that if the same conditions occur repeatedly, the outcome (rain or no rain) will also occur repeatedly.

The 70% probability of rain means that, based on historical data and patterns, if the same weather conditions exist tomorrow as in previous instances where it rained, there is a 70% chance of rain occurring. It implies that, out of 100 similar situations, rain is expected to happen on approximately 70 occasions.

However, it is important to note that the probability is based on historical data and statistical models, and it is not an absolute guarantee of rain. The actual weather outcome may differ due to numerous variables and uncertainties involved in meteorology.