Which of the following is an example of an internal conflict? (Points : 1)

Chief Brody’s conflict with the shark in Jaws
Batman’s conflict with the Joker in The Dark Knight
Jim Stark’s conflict with his parents in Rebel Without a Cause
Scottie’s conflict with his fear of heights in Vertigo

Internal conflicts occur INSIDE a person or character. Which do you think fits that description?

To determine which of the following examples is an internal conflict, you need to understand what an internal conflict is. An internal conflict is a struggle that takes place within a character's mind or emotions. It involves a decision or a choice that the character must make.

Let's analyze each option and identify whether it represents an internal conflict:

1. Chief Brody’s conflict with the shark in Jaws: This example represents an external conflict. It involves a physical struggle between Chief Brody and the shark.

2. Batman’s conflict with the Joker in The Dark Knight: Similar to the previous example, this represents an external conflict. It involves the clash between Batman and the Joker, both physically and mentally.

3. Jim Stark’s conflict with his parents in Rebel Without a Cause: This example presents a more believable internal conflict. Jim's struggle with his parents involves internal emotions, decisions, and conflicting desires as he navigates his identity.

4. Scottie’s conflict with his fear of heights in Vertigo: This is an example of an internal conflict. Scottie's fear of heights is an internal struggle that affects his actions and decision-making throughout the film.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is: Jim Stark’s conflict with his parents in Rebel Without a Cause.