Love of Life by: Jack London

What is the cite of naturalism in the essay?? Please help me with this!! :( :) Thank you!!

I mean Cite of naturalism in the story..sorry,, please help me!! :)

You mean the place in the essay where "naturalism" is obvious?? place = site

Anyway, read several of these and take good notes:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d.b2I&fp=1fa1ca819eb382cf&biw=1440&bih=706

Let us know what you decide.

To find the citation of naturalism in the essay "Love of Life" by Jack London, we can utilize a few steps:

1. Read and analyze the essay: Begin by reading and understanding the main themes, ideas, and style presented in the essay. This will provide you with a general context and help you identify instances of naturalism.

2. Identify characteristics of naturalism: Naturalism, as a literary movement, focuses on depicting the influence of external factors, such as social conditions and environment, on human lives. Look for elements such as determinism, survival instincts, and the struggle against nature throughout the essay.

3. Notice physical descriptions: In naturalistic works, authors often pay attention to detailed descriptions of the natural world. Look for passages or sentences that vividly describe the natural environment or wildlife. This can serve as evidence of naturalism.

4. Explore character behavior: Naturalistic works frequently emphasize the primal instincts and survival mechanisms of the characters. Keep an eye out for instances where the characters' actions are driven by base instincts and a battle to overcome challenging circumstances.

5. Examine the author's worldview: Consider Jack London's personal beliefs and philosophy. London was heavily influenced by naturalism and often incorporated its principles into his writing. Understanding the author's perspective can give insights into naturalistic elements within the essay.

6. Citations from secondary sources: If you're unable to identify specific instances of naturalism in "Love of Life" on your own, you can also search for analyses or critical essays on the topic. These sources may provide direct citations or examples of naturalistic elements within the essay.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify citations or instances that reflect the naturalistic style within Jack London's essay "Love of Life." Remember, it is crucial to critically analyze the text and draw your own conclusions based on the characteristics of naturalism.