1.What type of information does a physical map show?

A. Natural features<<<<<<<

B. Countries or states

C. Location of human features

D. Distribution of human and physical features

2.In recent years, millions of Chinese workers have moved from _____________ areas to _____________ areas.

A. urban; rural

B. coastal; mountain

C. rural; urban

D. northern; southern<<<<<<<

country to city --> C

what is an area with one or more ccommon characteristics

1. A physical map shows natural features.

2. In recent years, millions of Chinese workers have moved from northern areas to southern areas.

To answer the first question, "What type of information does a physical map show?" you can analyze the different options and identify the correct answer.

Option A states that a physical map shows natural features. This includes physical characteristics of a region such as mountains, rivers, deserts, forests, and other landforms. Since this matches the purpose of a physical map, option A is the correct answer.

To answer the second question, "In recent years, millions of Chinese workers have moved from _______ areas to _______ areas," you need to consider the options and determine the correct answer.

Option A suggests that Chinese workers have moved from urban areas to rural areas. Urban areas are typically densely populated and have a higher concentration of infrastructure and economic opportunities. Rural areas, on the other hand, are more sparsely populated and may have more agricultural or natural landscapes. Since this option indicates a movement from more urban to more rural areas, it aligns with the observed trend in China. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.