1. When researching for supporting materials about the impact of violence in the media, it is a good idea to get assistance from this resource.

A. Television
B. Call-in radio
C. Librarian
D. Personal interview

is it D

2. An advantage of using media resources for researching your topic is:
A. you may listen to an expert in the subject area that you are interested in.
B. media resources may set you in a direction of research you did not expect.
C. watching a television or radio program may spark new ideas and perspectives.
D. All of the above answers choices are true.

id it D

1 is either C or D. What does your book say?

I agree with your answer for 2.

Why would the answer for #1 be c. Why would you ask a librarian about the impact of violence in the media? The answer is obviously D

#1 is wrong I had it on my test

For question 1, the correct answer is C. Librarian. When researching for supporting materials about the impact of violence in the media, a librarian can be a valuable resource as they are trained to help individuals find relevant and reliable information. They can assist in locating books, articles, scholarly journals, and other credible sources on the topic.

For question 2, the correct answer is D. All of the above answer choices are true. Using media resources for researching can provide advantages such as listening to experts in the subject area, discovering unexpected research directions, and gaining new ideas and perspectives from television or radio programs. Media resources can offer a variety of perspectives and insights that can enhance your research.