A table of values for f,g,f′, and g′ are given in the table below:

x f(x) g(x) f′(x) g′(x)
5 0 -4 -9 5
0 5 0 -6 9
-4 5 5 9 -5
If h(x)=f(g(x)), find h′(5),
If H(x)=g(f(x)), find H′(0)

To find h′(5) and H′(0), we need to use the chain rule, which states that if we have a composite function f(g(x)), then the derivative of that function is given by the product of the derivative of f with respect to g, multiplied by the derivative of g with respect to x.

Let's start with h(x) = f(g(x)). We have the following values:

x | f(x) | g(x) | f′(x) | g′(x)
5 | 0 | -4 | -9 | 5

To find h′(5), we need to find the value of h′(x) and substitute x = 5. We can find h′(x) using the chain rule:

h′(x) = f′(g(x)) * g′(x)

Substituting the given values:

h′(5) = f′(g(5)) * g′(5)

Since g(5) = -4, we can substitute that as well:

h′(5) = f′(-4) * g′(5)

Now we look at the table again to find the value of f′(-4) and g′(5):

x | f(x) | g(x) | f′(x) | g′(x)
5 | 0 | -4 | -9 | 5

We have f′(-4) = -9 and g′(5) = 5, so we substitute these values:

h′(5) = -9 * 5

Calculating the product, we find:

h′(5) = -45

Therefore, h′(5) = -45.

Now let's move on to H(x) = g(f(x)). We have the following values:

x | f(x) | g(x) | f′(x) | g′(x)
0 | 5 | 0 | -6 | 9

To find H′(0), we use the chain rule:

H′(x) = g′(f(x)) * f′(x)

Substituting the given values:

H′(0) = g′(f(0)) * f′(0)

Since f(0) = 5, we can substitute that as well:

H′(0) = g′(5) * f′(0)

Using the values from the table:

H′(0) = 9 * (-6)

Calculating the product, we find:

H′(0) = -54

Therefore, H′(0) = -54.

To summarize, we found that h′(5) = -45 and H′(0) = -54 using the chain rule and the given table of values.