Any drinks that start with Q?

Doing this thing for school where we have 10 topics and 1 of them is drinks and I cant think of a drink that starts with Q.
Name things of that topic from A-Z of the alphabet

Any starting with U?

1. Go to

2. Enter alphabetical list of drinks and press the Enter key.

3. Read, read, read.

When looking for drinks that start with the letter Q, it can be a bit challenging as there aren't many commonly known options. However, there is one particular drink that starts with Q called "Quinine Water." Here's how you can discover drinks starting with any letter for your school project:

1. Online research: Search for a comprehensive list of drinks starting with each letter of the alphabet. Websites like,, or can provide such lists.

2. Dictionary or encyclopedia: Consult a dictionary or an encyclopedia to see if they mention any drinks starting with the letter Q. These resources can provide a more comprehensive overview and might include less common or regional options.

3. Recipe databases: Check recipe databases or platforms like AllRecipes or CocktailDB, where you can search for drinks alphabetically or by ingredients. By typing in "Q" as the first letter, you might find lesser-known drink recipes.

4. Social media and forums: Engage with beverage-related communities on platforms like Reddit or cocktail-focused Facebook groups. Asking fellow enthusiasts for suggestions may lead to discovering lesser-known drinks or regional specialties.

Remember, it is possible that not all letters of the alphabet will have a commonly known drink associated with them, but with a little research and exploration, you might find some intriguing options.