There are 18 green blocks in a bag. THere are 3 white blocks for every 2 green blocks. Which proportion can be used to find w the total number of white blocks in the bag


JEremy drinks 2 pints of milk every 3 days how much milk would Jeremy drink in 60?

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There cannot be 3 white for every 2 green in 18 blocks. For every 5 blocks, 3 will be white and 2 will be green. 18 is not a multiple of 5.

If Jeremy drinks 2 pints in 3 days, 60 days is 20 times 3 days. Therefore 2 * 20 = ?

1st one:

18 green for x whites
2 green for 3 white

so 3/2 = w/18 OR 2/3 = 18/w which is A

3 days ---> 2 pints
60 days ---> x pints
x/2 = 60/3
x = 2(60/3) = 40 , which is D

4 bags in 40 minutes
x bags in 2 hours or 120 minutes
x/4 = 120/40
x = 4(120/40) = 12 bags , you are correct

The " 3 white blocks for every 2 green blocks " is just a ratio

3 : 2 or
= 6:4 or
= ... or
= 27 white : 18 green

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To find the total number of white blocks in the bag, you need to use a proportion.

Let's denote the total number of white blocks as "w". According to the information given, there are 3 white blocks for every 2 green blocks.

So, the proportion to find "w" would be:

Green blocks / White blocks = 2 / 3

Since the question asks for the proportion, we can re-arrange the equation:

Number of green blocks / Number of white blocks = 2 / 3

Therefore, the correct proportion to find the total number of white blocks in the bag is:

C. 18 / w = 2 / 3