Danny has 75 marbles in red color and blue color. He found out number of red marbles is 15 less than twice of the blue marbles. What are the numbers of red and blue marbles does danny have?

red = 2b - 15

b + 2b - 15 = 75

3b = 90

b = 30

To find the numbers of red and blue marbles Danny has, let's set up equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of blue marbles Danny has is "x".

According to the given information, the number of red marbles is 15 less than twice the number of blue marbles. So, we can write:

Number of red marbles = 2 * Number of blue marbles - 15

Substituting "x" for the number of blue marbles:

75 = (2 * x) - 15

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "x", which represents the number of blue marbles.

Adding 15 to both sides of the equation:

75 + 15 = 2 * x

90 = 2 * x

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 90 / 2

x = 45

Now that we have found the value of "x" (the number of blue marbles), we can substitute it back into the equation to find the number of red marbles:

Number of red marbles = 2 * x - 15

Number of red marbles = 2 * 45 - 15

Number of red marbles = 90 - 15

Number of red marbles = 75

Therefore, Danny has 75 red marbles and 45 blue marbles.