Need help on the question below.

Which of the following questions is best suited for an experiment?
a. what conditions do peppers need to grow?
b. do peppers grow taller with 10ml of daily watering or with 15ml of daily watering
c. what conditions do plants need to grow?
d. how much water do peppers need to grow?
I was thinking it might be B but not sure.

I think it is a or c because in order to find out what conditions they need to grow, you would have to have an experiment to do it.

Yes, Brandi, B is right. It is specific and can be tested.

The other options are too general and don't define the research.

To determine which question is best suited for an experiment, we need to look for a question that allows for a manipulation of variables and a measurable outcome.

In option A, the question is about the conditions for peppers to grow but does not specify any variables to manipulate, nor does it mention a measurable outcome.

In option B, the question involves two different amounts of daily watering (10ml vs. 15ml) and asks for the effect on the height of the peppers. This question is suitable for an experiment because it allows for the manipulation of the watering amount and has a measurable outcome (height of the peppers).

In option C, the question is about the conditions for plants to grow in general, without specifying any variables or measurable outcomes.

In option D, the question focuses on the amount of water needed for peppers to grow, which can be a valid question to investigate. However, it does not provide any options for manipulating variables to test the effect of water amount on the growth of peppers.

Therefore, based on the criteria of manipulable variables and measurable outcomes, option B, "Do peppers grow taller with 10ml of daily watering or with 15ml of daily watering?", is the best-suited question for an experiment.