1. Effective public speaking is:

A. audience-centered.
B. message-centered.
C. speaker-centered.
D. channel-centered.

is it A

2. When a speech attempts to influence the audience s beliefs, attitudes, and opinions about something, it is generally meant to:
A. inform.
B. persuade.
C. entertain.
D. celebrate.

is it A

1 is right, but 2 is wrong.

Answer to the second question is B


1. The answer to the first question is not A. Effective public speaking is audience-centered, which means that the speaker tailors their speech to meet the needs and interests of the audience. They consider their audience's knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and values when preparing and delivering the speech.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the options and eliminate those that do not align with the characteristics of effective public speaking. In this case, options B, C, and D are not audience-centered, as they focus on the message, the speaker, and the channel, respectively. The correct answer is A, audience-centered.

2. The answer to the second question is not A. When a speech attempts to influence the audience's beliefs, attitudes, and opinions, it falls under the category of persuasion. Persuasive speeches are designed to change or reinforce the audience's existing beliefs and attitudes towards a particular topic.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the options and eliminate those that are not aligned with the purpose of influencing beliefs, attitudes, and opinions. Options C and D, entertain and celebrate, do not involve attempting to change the audience's views. The correct answer is B, persuade.