
Angiosperms have organs such as ______________ and produce seeds. The are described as _________________plants. (1 point)

flowers; vascular
stems; pollinated
rhizoids; vascular
leaves; non-vascular

Of the following, which is NOT a characteristic of vascular plants? (1 point)

cell walls
limited range in height

Nonvascular plants include _____, which do not have _____. (1 point)

ferns and horsetails; sexual reproduction
horsetails and mosses; transport tissue
liverworts and ferns; sexual reproduction
mosses and liverworts; transport tissue

____ is a chemical compound in the cell walls of plants that help keep the cells shape. (1 point)


Predict the effect on a food chain when a predator is removed. (1 point)

prey populations decrease
prey populations increase
parasite populations decrease
symbiosis among species increases

The major function of leaves is to ____. (1 point)

make food
store food
absorb nutrients

Which of the following eats consumers? (1 point)


Which of the following is an example of a nonrenewable resource? (1 point)

natural gas

What do the arrows on a food chain show? (1 point)

the direction of energy flow
which animal eats what
the direction of matter flow
all of the above

Factors that prevent organisms from growing to their full potential are called ______factors. (1 point)


Which of the following would help conserve natural resources? (1 point)

using solar panels
recycling plastic bottles
reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
all of the above

The increase of gases in our atmosphere is the cause of _______. (1 point)

global warming
an ozone layer hole
decreasing layers of Earth’s atmosphere
increasing chlorofluorocarbons

My answers:
1. flowers; vascular
4. roots
5. ferns and horsetails; sexual reproduction
6. Cellulose
7. prey populations increase
8. make food
9. carnivore
10. sun
11. the direction of energy flow
12. abiotic
13. all of the above
14. an ozone layer hole

**Sorry about all the questions!

All correct!!!!

All are correct except # 10 and #14 is wrong. 10 is natural gas. Nonrenewable resources are natural gas but renewable resources are the sun, wind and all the stuff the world has cuz how ever much we use it, it never runs out but natural gas does and it take years to make more. and 14 is global warming. HELLOO! A rise is earths average temperature, posibly CAUSED BY AN INCREASE OF GREEN HOUSE GASES, is known as GLOBAL WARMING. I just got this from a book.

No problem! Here are the explanations for each of your answers:

1. The correct answer is "flowers; vascular." Angiosperms are flowering plants that have specialized reproductive structures called flowers. They also produce seeds. They are characterized as vascular plants because they have tissues that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.

4. The correct answer is "roots." Roots are a characteristic of vascular plants. They anchor the plant in the ground and help absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

5. The correct answer is "mosses and liverworts; transport tissue." Mosses and liverworts are examples of nonvascular plants. They don't have specialized tissues for transporting water and nutrients like vascular plants do.

6. The correct answer is "Cellulose." Cellulose is a chemical compound found in the cell walls of plants. It helps provide structural support and maintain the shape of plant cells.

7. The correct answer is "prey populations increase." Removing a predator from a food chain can lead to an increase in prey populations because they are no longer being hunted and consumed by the predator.

8. The major function of leaves is to "make food." Leaves contain chlorophyll, which allows them to carry out photosynthesis and produce food (glucose) for the plant.

9. The correct answer is "carnivore." Carnivores are organisms that eat other consumers (animals) for their energy and nutrients.

10. The correct answer is "natural gas." Natural gas is a nonrenewable resource because it is formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient marine organisms and cannot be easily replenished in a short period of time.

11. The arrows on a food chain show "the direction of energy flow." They represent the transfer of energy from one organism to another in a linear sequence.

12. The correct answer is "limiting." Factors that prevent organisms from reaching their full potential are called limiting factors. These can include things like availability of resources, competition, predation, and environmental conditions.

13. The correct answer is "all of the above." Using solar panels, recycling plastic bottles, and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are all actions that can help conserve natural resources and reduce environmental impact.

14. The correct answer is "global warming." The increase of certain gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the Earth's atmosphere is thought to contribute to global warming, which is the increase in average temperatures on Earth.