Below are some sale prices for soda .Which offers the best price ?

a. 6 for $1.75
b.8 for $1.90
c.12 for $3.15
d.30 for $7.50

b. 8 for $1.90


if the height of a triangle is 28cm and the base is 16cm then what is the area?

If the base is 12cm and a height of 15cm then the area is?

To determine which offer has the best price for soda, we need to calculate the price per unit for each option.

a. 6 for $1.75
To find the price per unit, divide the total cost by the number of units:
$1.75 / 6 = $0.29 per unit.

b. 8 for $1.90
Again, divide the total cost by the number of units:
$1.90 / 8 = $0.24 per unit.

c. 12 for $3.15
Divide the total cost by the number of units:
$3.15 / 12 = $0.26 per unit.

d. 30 for $7.50
Once more, divide the total cost by the number of units:
$7.50 / 30 = $0.25 per unit.

Comparing the price per unit for each option, we can see that option "b. 8 for $1.90" offers the best price, with a cost of $0.24 per unit.