How do I know when a residual plot is the right one? I'm graphing the residuals for my information, but none of them seem to be close to zero? Does that mean that a better equation can be used?

When analyzing a residual plot, it's important to assess whether the plot exhibits any patterns or trends. Here's how you can determine if a residual plot is "right":

1. Randomness: In a good residual plot, the residuals should appear randomly scattered around the horizontal line through zero. This indicates that the model is capturing the underlying patterns in the data and the residuals are not systematically biased.

2. Constant Variance: The spread of the residuals, also known as the variability, should be relatively consistent across the range of predicted values. If the residuals show a fan or cone-shaped pattern, the variance of the residuals is not constant. In such cases, a more appropriate model may be needed.

3. Zero Mean: The mean of the residuals should be close to zero. This means that, on average, the model is correctly estimating the relationships between the predictors and the outcome. However, it is perfectly normal for individual residuals to differ from zero.

If your residual plot does not meet these criteria, it suggests that the underlying model may be inadequate or misspecification has occurred. In such instances, there are a few steps you can try:

a. Reassess the model: Check if the model is correctly specified and if any necessary transformations or interactions have been included.

b. Add predictors: Consider adding more predictors or exploring different functional forms to capture additional patterns or relationships in the data.

c. Remove outliers: Outliers can greatly impact residual plots. Determine if any extreme observations need to be removed or if data collection errors occurred.

d. Consider alternative models: If the patterns persist after adjustments, it may be necessary to explore different modeling techniques or approaches to better fit the data.

Remember, interpreting a residual plot is subjective to some extent. It is often a good practice to consult with domain experts or seek statistical guidance to ensure the best modeling decisions.