Input a list of positive numbers (terminated by 0) into an array, find the mean (average) of the numbers in the array, and output the results. Use a subprogram to input the numbers, a function to find the mean, and a subprogram to output the result.


To solve this problem, we can follow these steps:

1. Implement a subprogram to input the numbers and store them in an array. This subprogram will keep accepting numbers until the user enters 0. Let's name this subprogram `inputNumbers`.

2. Implement a function to calculate the mean of the numbers in the array. This function will sum up all the numbers in the array and divide the sum by the total count of numbers. Let's name this function `calculateMean`.

3. Implement a subprogram to output the mean. This subprogram will simply display the mean value calculated in step 2. Let's name this subprogram `outputResult`.

Now, let's write an example code in Python to demonstrate this algorithm:

# Subprogram to input the numbers
def inputNumbers():
numbers = []
while True:
num = int(input("Enter a positive number (enter 0 to terminate): "))
if num == 0:
return numbers

# Function to calculate the mean
def calculateMean(numbers):
total = sum(numbers)
mean = total / len(numbers)
return mean

# Subprogram to output the result
def outputResult(mean):
print("The mean of the numbers is:", mean)

# Main program
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Input the numbers
numbers = inputNumbers()

# Calculate the mean
mean = calculateMean(numbers)

# Output the result

When you run this program, it will repeatedly ask you to enter positive numbers until you enter 0. After that, it will calculate the mean of the entered numbers using the `calculateMean` function, and finally, it will display the mean using the `outputResult` subprogram.

You can modify this code to match the programming language you are using or make any required adjustments based on your specific needs.