Policy making in the United States is made through incrementalism because (Points : 1)

the Constitution prohibits grand sweeping steps.
the Madisonian system prevents grand sweeping action.
incrementalism is more efficient.
incrementalism produces the best possible policy .

incrementalism produces the best possible policy

Question 10. 10. The principal powers of Congress include all except (Points : 1)

the power of the purse.
the power to declare war.
implied powers.
the power to hire generals.

To determine the correct answer to this question, let's breakdown each option and see which one aligns with the concept of policy making in the United States:

1) The Constitution prohibits grand sweeping steps: While the United States Constitution does provide various checks and balances to prevent concentrated power, it does not specifically prohibit grand sweeping steps. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

2) The Madisonian system prevents grand sweeping action: The Madisonian system refers to James Madison's ideas on separation of powers and checks and balances. While it does aim to prevent the concentration of power, it does not necessarily dictate that policy making needs to be incremental. So, this option is also not the correct answer.

3) Incrementalism is more efficient: Efficiency is one factor to consider in policy making, but it does not necessarily explain why policy making in the United States is done through incrementalism. So, this option is not the correct answer.

4) Incrementalism produces the best possible policy: While incrementalism allows for small, gradual policy changes, it does not guarantee that the resulting policy will be the best possible option. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis of the options, the correct answer to the question is not provided. It is important to note that policy making in the United States is influenced by a variety of factors, including political dynamics, interest groups, public opinion, and the decision-making processes of different branches of government. While incrementalism is one approach that is often observed in American policy making, it is not the only method used, and the choice of policy-making approach can vary depending on the specific context and issue at hand.