2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O

2 grams + 32 grams -> _ _ _ _ _ grams

how would the mass of water formed in the reaction compare to the mass of oxygen and hydrogen that reacts?

include types of change illustrated in the balanced equation.

explain the conversation of matter and determine the unknown amount of mass

explain the production of water.

To answer the question about the mass of water formed in the reaction, we can start by examining the balanced equation: "2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O."

From the equation, we see that 2 moles of hydrogen gas (H2) react with 1 mole of oxygen gas (O2) to produce 2 moles of water (H2O).

To find the unknown amount of mass of water formed, we need to know the masses of the hydrogen and oxygen that reacted.

Given that the molar mass of hydrogen is approximately 2 grams/mol and the molar mass of oxygen is approximately 32 grams/mol, we can calculate the total initial mass of the reactants as follows:

2 grams of hydrogen x (1 mol/2 grams) = 1 mol of hydrogen
32 grams of oxygen x (1 mol/32 grams) = 1 mol of oxygen

Since the balanced equation tells us that 2 moles of water are formed, we can calculate the mass of water produced as:

2 moles of water x (18 grams/1 mol) = 36 grams of water

Therefore, the mass of water formed in the reaction is 36 grams.

Comparing the masses, we find that the mass of water formed (36 grams) is equal to the combined masses of hydrogen (2 grams) and oxygen (32 grams) that reacted. This demonstrates the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction; it can only change forms.

Regarding the types of changes illustrated in the balanced equation:
- The reaction shows a combination, or synthesis, reaction, as hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
- It also shows a redox reaction, as hydrogen undergoes oxidation (loses electrons) while oxygen undergoes reduction (gains electrons).

The production of water in the reaction is a result of the chemical bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms breaking and new bonds forming between hydrogen and oxygen atoms to create water molecules. This process is known as a chemical reaction, specifically a combustion reaction in this case.