What is the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's Shadow and Act?

What year was the oldest copy of Ralph Ellison's going to the Territory published:A.1986 B.1952 C.1995 D.1987

See Related Questions below.

To find the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's "Shadow and Act," you would typically need to consult the catalog of a library that holds a copy of this book. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Start by identifying a library that you have access to, such as your local public library or a university library.
2. Visit the library's website or go in person to access their catalog or search for their online catalog or database.
3. Use the search function provided by the library to look for "Shadow and Act" by Ralph Ellison. Include additional details such as the author's name to ensure accurate results.
4. Explore the search results and look for the oldest edition or publication of the book.
5. Once you have found the particular edition you are interested in, the catalog entry should contain the call number, which is a unique identifier used to locate the book within the library's collection.
6. Note down the call number, which is usually a combination of letters and numbers, to easily find the book on the library shelves.

Please note that the specific call number of the oldest copy of "Shadow and Act" may vary depending on the library and the cataloging system they use. Additionally, some libraries may also have digital copies available, so be sure to check if that's an option.