Mr. Jacob is 55 years old and Tony is7 years old. in how many years will mr. Jacob be 4 times as old as tony?

To determine the number of years it will take for Mr. Jacob to be four times as old as Tony, we need to find the difference in their ages and divide it by the difference in the ratio they will have in the future.

Let's denote the number of years as "x".

Currently, Mr. Jacob is 55 years old, and Tony is 7 years old.
So, the age difference between them is 55 - 7 = 48 years.

In "x" number of years, Mr. Jacob will be 4 times as old as Tony, which can be represented as:
55 + x = 4(7 + x)

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of "x".

55 + x = 4(7 + x)
55 + x = 28 + 4x (Distribute 4 to 7 and x)

Rearranging the equation, we have:
x - 4x = 28 - 55
-3x = -27

By dividing both sides of the equation by -3, we have:
x = (-27)/(-3)
x = 9

Therefore, it will take 9 years for Mr. Jacob to be four times as old as Tony.