
Read these two short sentences:

There was a blizzard. Nearly 20,000 homes in the metro area lost power.

Choose the correct subordinating conjunction to combine them into this sentence:

____ the blizzard, nearly 20,000 homes in the metro area lost power.
(1 point)


In a research report, parenthetical citations _______________. (1 point)

usually appear at the end of the report
are used for quotations only
should be included every time you cite a source
contain the author's name and title of the sources

Which of the following is not part of drafting the body of a research report? (1 point)

refining the thesis statement
following the outline's structure
using transitions to link ideas
paraphrasing information from sources

My answers:


Are there right???


Are these right I mean?

I agree with all your answers.

kk thx

Its c c A

1. To choose the correct subordinating conjunction to combine the two sentences, you need to consider the relationship between the two ideas. The first sentence states that there was a blizzard, and the second sentence states that nearly 20,000 homes lost power in the metro area. The subordinating conjunction should reflect a cause-and-effect relationship between these two ideas.

To determine the correct conjunction, you first need to understand the meaning of the given options:

- Although: This conjunction introduces a contrast or concession between two ideas.
- Before: This conjunction indicates that one event takes place prior to another event.
- After: This conjunction indicates that one event takes place subsequent to another event.
- Despite: This conjunction shows that one event occurs even though another event exists.

Considering the cause-and-effect relationship between the blizzard and the power loss, the correct subordinating conjunction to combine the sentences would be "Despite":

Despite the blizzard, nearly 20,000 homes in the metro area lost power.

2. In a research report, parenthetical citations serve as a way to acknowledge and give credit to the sources you have used in your research. They provide brief information about the source and its location within the text. To choose the correct option regarding parenthetical citations:

Parenthetical citations:
- Usually appear at the end of the report: This option is incorrect because parenthetical citations typically appear within the body of the text, immediately after the cited information.
- Are used for quotations only: This option is incorrect because parenthetical citations are used not only for quotations but also for paraphrased or summarized information from sources.
- Should be included every time you cite a source: This is the correct option. Whenever you include information from a source, whether it is a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary, you need to provide a parenthetical citation to acknowledge the source.
- Contain the author's name and title of the sources: This option is incorrect because parenthetical citations usually include the author's last name and the page number (if applicable), not the full title of the source.

3. Drafting the body of a research report involves several aspects. To identify the aspect that is not part of drafting the body of a research report, let's understand the meaning of the given options:

- Refining the thesis statement: This option is incorrect because refining the thesis statement is an essential part of drafting the body of a research report. The thesis statement guides the development and organization of the main ideas in the body.
- Following the outline's structure: This option is incorrect because following the outline's structure is crucial in ensuring a logical flow of ideas and information within the body of the research report.
- Using transitions to link ideas: This option is incorrect because using transitions is important in smoothly connecting different sections and ideas within the body of the research report, making it coherent and easy to follow.
- Paraphrasing information from sources: This is the correct option. Paraphrasing information from sources is typically part of the research process when gathering information, but it is not specifically linked to drafting the body of the research report. Paraphrasing becomes relevant when incorporating gathered information into the report, which usually occurs during the writing process.