Jerry monthly salary consist of $850 pluss commission of 15 % on the total sales made.If his total sales for the month of March is $ 25 000 ,what is his income for the month of March?

commission would mean that he gets a percent of what he earned, so that would be 15% of 25,000.

Not sure where you need help since you didn't show work.

to get 15% of 25,000 you would have to multiply 25,000 by .15 (everytime you multipy a number and want a percent of that number you divide the percent by 100 and multiply it by the number you want the percent of.) so

(.15)(25,000)= ______?

take that number and add it to 850 and you should get what you are looking for.

Thank you christina ...

god blees you ...

good night ...

your welcome.

To calculate Jerry's income for the month of March, we need to determine his commission based on his total sales and add it to his fixed monthly salary.

Step 1: Calculate the commission earned
Commission = (Total sales) * (Commission rate)
Commission = $25,000 * 0.15
Commission = $3,750

Step 2: Add the commission to the fixed monthly salary
Income = (Fixed monthly salary) + (Commission)
Income = $850 + $3,750
Income = $4,600

Therefore, Jerry's income for the month of March is $4,600.