a guitar string is 75cm long,calculate the wavelength of its fundamental note

L=wavelenght/2 therefore:21(wavelenght) wavelenght=2 multiplied by 75 which gives 150

Landa=2l( for a plucked string)

Where l = 75
Fⁿ = 2×75
= 150

To calculate the wavelength of the fundamental note of a guitar string, we can use the formula:

wavelength = 2 * length

Given that the length of the guitar string is 75 cm, we can substitute this value into the formula:

wavelength = 2 * 75 cm

Now, we simply need to perform the calculation:

wavelength = 150 cm

Therefore, the wavelength of the fundamental note of the guitar string is 150 cm.

l = landa/2

: landa = 2 * l
2 * 75 = 150cm

In guitar, L= 1/2 lambda ;

=75/2 =37.5cm