The village of Ringwood conducted a census and created

records that contain household data, including income.
Ringwood has exactly 75 households. Write a program into
which a village statistician can enter each of the 75 household
income values, and determine the mean and median house-
hold income.

To write a program that calculates the mean and median household income in Ringwood, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare an array to store the household income values. Since there are exactly 75 households, make sure the array has a size of 75.

2. Prompt the village statistician to enter the income value for each household. You can use a loop to repeat this process 75 times, each time storing the entered income value in the array.

3. After all values have been entered, calculate the mean by adding up all the income values in the array and dividing the total by the number of households (75).

4. To calculate the median, sort the array in ascending order. If the number of households is odd (in this case, 75), the median will be the middle value in the sorted array. If the number of households is even, the median will be the average of the two middle values.

5. Display the mean and median household income to the village statistician.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

# Step 1: Declare an array to store household income values
income_values = []

# Step 2: Prompt the user to enter income values for each household
for i in range(75):
income = float(input("Enter household income for household {}: ".format(i+1)))

# Step 3: Calculate the mean
mean = sum(income_values) / len(income_values)

# Step 4: Calculate the median
middle_index = len(income_values) // 2

if len(income_values) % 2 == 0:
median = (income_values[middle_index - 1] + income_values[middle_index]) / 2
median = income_values[middle_index]

# Step 5: Display the mean and median
print("Mean household income: ${:.2f}".format(mean))
print("Median household income: ${:.2f}".format(median))

The program will prompt the statistician to enter the income values for each household, then calculate and display the mean and median household income based on those values.