Is it possbile to score in the 100th percentile on a given standardized test?I would think no but why not?

No. The highest percentile is the 99th percentile. (This is the correct answer for Ashford University)

No, it is not possible to score in the 100th percentile on a standardized test. The percentile scores represent the relative standing of an individual compared to others who have taken the test. If someone were to score in the 100th percentile, it would mean they have performed better than every other test taker, which is not feasible since there may be other high-performing individuals. The highest achievable percentile score is usually 99th percentile, indicating that a test taker has performed better than 99% of the other test takers.

No, it is not possible to score in the 100th percentile on a standardized test. The reason is that percentiles represent how a test taker performs relative to the rest of the test-taking population. The highest possible percentile is 99th, which means a test taker has performed better than 99% of the population.

In other words, the 100th percentile would represent someone who has scored better than 100% of the population, which is not logically possible. Percentiles are calculated by dividing the number of people who scored lower than a particular test taker by the total number of test takers and then multiplying by 100.

So, while you can achieve a near-perfect score on a standardized test, the percentile can never be 100.

No. The highest percentile is the 99th percentile.

"To put it in words, being in the 100 percentile would mean that 100% of the group has marks below yours. But since 100% of the group would include you, and your mark could never be below your mark, then 100% of the group could not be below you. Therefore you could never be in the 100 percentile."