Two cars start at the same point at Alexandria, verginia, and travel Ans 50mph, 55mph 2

opposite directions. One car travels 5 miles per hour faster than the
other car. After 4 hours, the two cars are 420 miles apart. Find the
speed of each car.

Please check your problem for errors.

45 miles per hour and other car averaged 40 miles per hour. in how many hours were the cars 30 miles apart?

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's represent the speed of one car as x mph, and since the other car is traveling 5 mph slower, the speed of the second car will be (x - 5) mph.

We know that the total distance traveled by both cars after 4 hours is 420 miles. Since they are traveling in opposite directions, we can add up the distances traveled by each car to get the total distance:

Distance traveled by the first car = speed * time = (x mph) * (4 hours) = 4x miles
Distance traveled by the second car = speed * time = ((x - 5) mph) * (4 hours) = 4(x - 5) miles

Adding the distances together, we get:

4x + 4(x - 5) = 420

Now, we can solve this equation to find the speed of each car.

Expanding the equation:
4x + 4x - 20 = 420
8x - 20 = 420

Adding 20 to both sides:
8x = 440

Dividing both sides by 8:
x = 55

So, the speed of the first car is 55 mph. Therefore, the speed of the second car (which is 5 mph slower) is 55 - 5 = 50 mph.

Therefore, the speed of the first car is 55 mph and the speed of the second car is 50 mph.