Virginia ratified the constitution with the help of all of the following men EXCEPT:


Henry's hostility to the government under the Constitution was so strong that he subsequently refused to join it, turning down offers to serve as United States Secretary of State and as a justice of the United States Supreme Court. -Wikipedia

So, probably "c", Henry

To determine which of the men listed did not help Virginia ratify the constitution, you can go through the options one by one.

a. Washington: George Washington was a prominent figure in the American Revolution and played a pivotal role in the creation of the United States. He presided over the Constitutional Convention and openly supported the ratification of the Constitution. Therefore, he did help Virginia ratify the constitution.

b. Jefferson: Thomas Jefferson was not present in Virginia during the ratification process because he was serving as the United States Minister to France at that time. Therefore, he did not directly help Virginia ratify the constitution.

c. Henry: Patrick Henry was a prominent figure in American revolutionary politics. However, he was known for his opposition to the Constitution. He believed that it gave too much power to the federal government and did not offer enough protection for individual liberties. Therefore, he did not help Virginia ratify the constitution.

d. Madison: James Madison is often called the "Father of the Constitution" because of his influential role in its creation. He was a strong advocate for the ratification of the Constitution and played a key role in the Virginia Ratifying Convention. Therefore, he did help Virginia ratify the constitution.

Based on this analysis, the answer is b. Jefferson, as he was not present in Virginia and therefore did not help with the ratification of the constitution.