What characteristics did fascism under Mussolini and Hitler have in common with communism under Stalin?

Fascism and communism are both totalitarian dictatorships. The state controls everything and everybody.




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To understand the common characteristics between fascism under Mussolini and Hitler and communism under Stalin, we need to explore the political ideologies and practices of these leaders.

1. Authoritarianism: Both Mussolini and Hitler established totalitarian regimes characterized by centralized control and the suppression of dissenting voices.
2. State control: Both regimes emphasized the supremacy of the state, aiming to exert complete control over all aspects of society.
3. Militarism: Fascist regimes heavily invested in the military and prioritized aggressive expansionism and territorial conquest.
4. Propaganda: Both fascists utilized propaganda extensively to shape public opinion and reinforce their ideologies.
5. Nationalism: Both regimes promoted extreme nationalism, emphasizing the superiority of their respective nations and actively persecuting minority groups.
6. Cult of personality: Both Mussolini and Hitler developed cults of personality around themselves, portraying themselves as strong and charismatic leaders.

1. Authoritarianism: Like the fascists, Stalin implemented an authoritarian regime, suppressing political opposition and dissent.
2. State control: Stalin established a highly centralized state apparatus, which included nationalizing industries, collectivizing agriculture, and planning the economy.
3. Propaganda: Similar to the fascists, the Soviet regime under Stalin employed propaganda to promote communist ideology and maintain control over the population.
4. Cult of personality: Stalin developed a cult of personality, elevating himself as the central figure in Soviet society.
5. Command economy: Stalin implemented a planned economy in which the state controlled and directed economic activities, including the allocation of resources and production targets.
6. Suppression of dissent: Both fascist and communist regimes, including Stalin's, employed tactics such as censorship, purges, and violence to suppress dissent and consolidate power.

To find more detailed information and examples of these common characteristics, you can refer to historical sources, books, academic articles, and documentaries on the specific periods and ideologies involved.