Graph the function

x if -2<=x<=3
I know x would be x|-2|-1|0|1|2|
But I do not understand how to find y.
Can someone tell me how to find the y's?

yes,right ...if you want to find y . you must know what is the equation of y.

Y can be anything within the zone of allowed x values.

The graph of the inequality should be a zone between vertical x = -2 and x = +3 lines

Questions such as your -2 ≤ x ≤ 3 are usually found in most text books under a section of "graphing on a number line", namely the x-axis, so there is no y involved.

For you question, just draw small solid circles at x=-2 and x=3, then draw a solid line between them, showing you want every possible value between -2 and 3 inclusive.

( if your relation had been -2 < x < 3, your small circles would be open, implying that you would exclude those actual values)

If you want to involve y, then do what drwls suggested above.

To find the y-values for the given function, you can use the same x-values that you listed (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2). Since the function is defined as "x" for values of x ranging from -2 to 3, you can directly use the x-values to determine the corresponding y-values.

For each x-value, the y-value will be equal to the x-value itself because the function is defined as "x." Hence, the graph of this function will be a straight line passing through the points (-2, -2), (-1, -1), (0, 0), (1, 1), and (2, 2).

Therefore, the graph of the function would be a line segment starting at (-2, -2) and ending at (2, 2).