
Read these two short sentences:

There was a blizzard. Nearly 20,000 homes in the metro area lost power.

Choose the correct subordinating conjunction to combine them into this sentence:

_____ the blizzard, nearly 20,000 homes in the metro area lost power.
(1 point)


When is a parenthetical citation not necessary? (1 point)

after a quote
after paraphrasing a source
after rephrasing an idea found in multiple sources
after writing about general information that is considered common knowledge

What is the main purpose of using appropriate transitions during the drafting stage? (1 point)

to link ideas logically
to sound more authoritative on the subject
to maintain a consistent tone
to follow the outline as closely as possible

My answers:
1. After
2. after writing about general information that is considered common knowledge
3. to maintain a consistent tone

1 and 2 are correct. 3 is incorrect.


Okay thank you. Is 3 "to link ideas logically"?


Thank you!!!!

Your answer for question 1 is incorrect. The correct subordinating conjunction to combine the two sentences is "Despite."

To arrive at this answer, you should identify the relationship between the two sentences. The first sentence states that there was a blizzard, while the second sentence provides additional information about the consequences of the blizzard. The word "Despite" shows a contrast between the blizzard and the subsequent loss of power in the homes. Therefore, the correct answer is "Despite the blizzard, nearly 20,000 homes in the metro area lost power."

Your answers for questions 2 and 3 are both correct!

For question 2, a parenthetical citation is not necessary when writing about general information that is considered common knowledge. In such cases, you don't need to cite a specific source because the information is widely known and is not tied to a particular individual or publication.

For question 3, the main purpose of using appropriate transitions during the drafting stage is to link ideas logically. Transitions help provide coherence and flow to your writing, allowing readers to easily follow your train of thought. While maintaining a consistent tone is important, the primary purpose of transitions is to connect your ideas and enhance the overall organization of your writing.