evan drove into the country for a long weekend. he planned to drive 118 miles on each of 4 days, however his car broke down and he was only able to drive 43 miles on the first day. how many miles per day must he drive to reach his destination.

118 * 4 = 472

(472 - 43) / 3 = _______


so it would be 144 cause 472-43=429 next you would divide 429 with 3 so 3 goes into 4 one time so put the 3 there then subtract 4-3=1 then you bring down the 2 and get 12!next thing you do is 3 goes into 12,4 times so you put the 4 next to the 1 and get 14.Your almost done!next thing you do is 3 goes into 14 4 times so you put 12 on the bottom then subtract 12-12=0!Then you bring down the 9 and get 09! 3 goes into 9,3 times so you put another 9 below the first 9 then you subtract so it would be 9-9=0! so 0 left over and the numbers on top would be your answer! Your welcome! :D

To determine how many miles per day Evan must drive to reach his destination, we need to first calculate the total distance he needs to cover.

We can start by calculating the distance he covered on the first day:
First day distance = 43 miles

Now, let's calculate the total distance he planned to drive:
Planned distance per day = 118 miles
Total planned distance = Planned distance per day * Number of days = 118 miles/day * 4 days = 472 miles

Since Evan only drove 43 miles on the first day, the remaining distance he needs to cover is:
Remaining distance = Total planned distance - Distance covered on the first day = 472 miles - 43 miles = 429 miles

Now, let's calculate how many more days Evan has to reach his destination:
Remaining days = Number of days - 1 = 4 days - 1 day = 3 days

Finally, to find out how many miles per day Evan must drive in order to reach his destination, we divide the remaining distance by the remaining days:
Miles per day = Remaining distance / Remaining days = 429 miles / 3 days ≈ 143 miles/day

Therefore, Evan must drive approximately 143 miles per day to reach his destination.