young innovative or high tech firms often adopt the strategy of ignoring history of attempting to do something radically what ways will this strategy help them?in what ways will this strategy hinder them/

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The strategy of ignoring history and attempting to do something radically new can offer both advantages and disadvantages for young innovative or high-tech firms. Let's discuss the ways in which this strategy can help them, as well as the potential drawbacks it may bring.

Advantages of Ignoring History and Attempting Radical Innovation:
1. Disruptive Advancement: By disregarding historical approaches, these firms have the freedom to explore new concepts, techniques, and technologies. This allows them to take bold risks, challenge traditional methods, and potentially achieve breakthrough innovations.
2. Competitive Edge: By focusing on unique and unconventional approaches, these firms can differentiate themselves from established competitors. They have the opportunity to pioneer new market segments or create entirely new industries, giving them a competitive advantage in the long run.
3. Creative Thinking: Ignoring history encourages a culture of open-mindedness and creativity within the firm. Team members are not constrained by precedents or preconceived notions, which allows for more innovative and out-of-the-box thinking.

Drawbacks of Ignoring History and Attempting Radical Innovation:
1. Lack of Industry Insight: Ignoring historical lessons can lead to a lack of understanding about industry dynamics, market trends, and customer preferences. This may result in wasted efforts, failed initiatives, or missed opportunities to leverage existing knowledge and build upon previous successes.
2. Increased Risk and Uncertainty: Pursuing entirely new ideas without reference to historical data often comes with higher risks. The lack of previous evidence or benchmarks can make it challenging to gauge market demand, predict costs, or assess potential obstacles. This increases the uncertainty associated with the success of the innovation.
3. Inefficient Resource Allocation: Ignoring history may lead to reinventing the wheel, spending valuable resources on solving problems that have already been addressed. Without learning from past experiences, firms may waste time and resources pursuing endeavors that are duplicative or unsustainable.

In summary, the strategy of ignoring history and attempting something radically new can provide young innovative or high-tech firms with an opportunity for disruptive advancement and a competitive edge. However, it also exposes them to risks associated with a lack of industry insight, increased uncertainty, and inefficient resource allocation. Therefore, it is crucial for these firms to strike a balance between embracing new ideas and leveraging the lessons learned from the past.