During the election of 1936, declaring their party a "millionaire's union," Franklin Roosevelt focused mainly on defeating the

A. Union Party running William Lemke.
B. Liberty League running Father Coughlin.
C. Union Party running Gerald K. Smith.
D. Liberty League running Alfred M. Landon.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

alfred m. landon

To determine the answer to this question, we first need to analyze the information given about Franklin Roosevelt's focus during the 1936 election. The statement suggests that Roosevelt was mainly concerned with defeating a political party described as a "millionaire's union."

Next, we have four options to consider: the Union Party running William Lemke, the Liberty League running Father Coughlin, the Union Party running Gerald K. Smith, and the Liberty League running Alfred M. Landon.

To find the correct answer, we can eliminate options based on the given information. The Union Party running William Lemke and the Union Party running Gerald K. Smith are both associated with the Union Party, suggesting that Roosevelt's focus was not solely on this party.

This leaves us with two options: the Liberty League running Father Coughlin and the Liberty League running Alfred M. Landon. The statement does not provide any information about Father Coughlin or Alfred M. Landon being associated with a "millionaire's union" party.

Therefore, the most logical answer is option D: Franklin Roosevelt focused mainly on defeating the Liberty League running Alfred M. Landon.