I am doing a research paper on senator Debbie Stabenow and I cant find some information.

What are her years of experience, committee membership and party duties?
also how is she viewed by different special interst groups?


What can't you find?


Read MANY of these search results ... and take GOOD notes!!

I have serrched her name under google but still have not found what i need. what does committee membership mean? isnt she just a senator? and i cant find her party duties

Senators are assigned (or volunteer for and THEN are assigned) to different committees within the Senate. You can read about Senate committees here:


Then, go into the Wikipedia article about Sen. Stabenow in the search results I gave you in my first post above, and read section 3.3 (link is in the Contents box).

Let us know what you discover.

To find information about Senator Debbie Stabenow's years of experience, committee membership, and party duties, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by visiting Senator Stabenow's official website. Many politicians have their own websites where they provide their biographies, list of committees, and party affiliation. You can typically find this information under sections like "About," "Biography," or "Committees."

2. If the official website does not provide comprehensive information, you can visit the official website of the United States Senate (https://www.senate.gov). On the Senate's website, navigate to the "Senators" section and select Michigan from the list of states. This will lead you to Senator Stabenow's official profile, which should include details about her years of experience, committee memberships, and party duties.

Regarding how Senator Stabenow is viewed by different special interest groups, you will need to conduct further research using sources such as:

3. Nonpartisan websites or databases: Websites like Vote Smart (https://votesmart.org) or OpenSecrets (https://www.opensecrets.org) provide information on lawmakers' voting records, significant donors, and ratings from various interest groups.

4. Interest groups' websites: Many special interest groups have websites where they provide endorsements, issue positions, and ratings for politicians. Look for groups related to the topics or industries that interest you or that are affiliated with Senator Stabenow.

It's essential to consult multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of Senator Stabenow's views from various perspectives. Remember to critically evaluate the credibility and potential biases of the sources you use for your research paper.