"A Noiseless Flash" by John Hersey?

List one fiction technique and one nonficiton technique from the selection and descsribe the effects of each on readers. Please help cause I suck at this!!

What fiction techniques have you learned?

What nonfiction techniques have you learned?

Which do you think apply to this story?




Read widely and take notes. Let us know what you come up with.

No problem! I can help you with that. "A Noiseless Flash" is a nonfiction account written by John Hersey, describing the experiences of six survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

For a fiction technique, we can consider the use of characterization. In this story, Hersey provides vivid descriptions and personal details about the survivors, allowing readers to understand their personalities, backgrounds, and emotional states. By creating well-rounded characters, the author engages readers on an emotional level and makes them empathize with the survivors' harrowing experiences. This helps readers form a deeper connection with the story and increases their emotional investment in the narrative.

Now, for a nonfiction technique, we can focus on the use of factual information and historical context. Hersey carefully researched and verified the events before writing the story. The inclusion of accurate details about the bombing and its aftermath, such as the time, date, and specific locations, lends credibility to the narrative. By providing historical context, Hersey educates readers about the horrific reality of the atomic bombing, giving them a deeper understanding of the magnitude of destruction and its impact on the lives of those affected.

The effects of these techniques on readers are significant. Through characterization, readers become deeply engaged with the survivors, feeling a sense of empathy, compassion, and connection. This emotional involvement allows readers to relate to the humanity and resilience of the characters and fosters a genuine interest in their stories.

The factual information and historical context contribute to readers' understanding of the real-world implications and consequences of the atomic bombing. By presenting accurate details, the author helps readers comprehend the enormity of the event and its long-lasting effects on both individuals and society as a whole.

By combining these fiction and nonfiction techniques, John Hersey effectively creates a narrative that is both emotionally impactful and factually grounded, ultimately leaving a lasting impression on readers.