Aoron leaves one cify at noon. He has to be at another city 186 km away at 3:00 p.m, the speed limit the entire wAy is 65 km/h . Can he arrive At the second city on time? Explain

what is the answer

The speed is

v=s/t=186/3=62 km/h <65 km/h
He can arrive on time.

To determine if Aaron can arrive at the second city on time, we need to calculate the total travel time and compare it to the available time.

Step 1: Calculate the travel time
The distance between the two cities is 186 km. The speed limit is 65 km/h. We can use the formula: time = distance/speed.

time = 186 km / 65 km/h
time ≈ 2.86 hours

Step 2: Compare the travel time to the available time
Aaron leaves at noon and needs to reach the second city by 3:00 p.m. This gives him a total available time of 3 hours (from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.).

Since the travel time is 2.86 hours, which is less than the available time of 3 hours, Aaron should be able to reach the second city on time.

To solve this problem, we first calculate the travel time by dividing the distance by the speed. This gives us the time it will take for Aaron to cover the 186 km distance. We then compare this travel time to the available time he has, which is from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. If the travel time is less than the available time, it means Aaron can reach the second city on time.