Suppose we ran m steps of Grover's algorithm on some function f (which has one marked element y) and the resulting superposition was exactly |y>.

(a) What was the state after the (m−1)th step? Note that you can describe the superposition by specifying two numbers, αy and αx for x≠y. Use K to denote the total number of elements. Please fully simply your answer.
Answer in this format: αy: αx for x≠y:

(b) Now, if we run one more step (total of m+1 steps), what is the resulting superposition?
Answer in this format: αy: αx for x≠y:

(c) What if you now apply another phase inversion?
Answer in this format: αy: αx for x≠y:


help guys

Anyone please?

So the state is at |y> after m steps. So the probability of getting that is 1 and the rest is 0. So What is the mean and what if we move 1 step forward? Is the the same as moving 1 step back?

I have tried to solve it through the trigonometrics way. If in the iteration m you have probability 0 for the rest of the situations, then cos[(2k+1)g] = 0 becasuse of that k=(pi/(4*g))-(1/2) and you know that cos(g)=sqrt(k-1)/sqrt(k) so you have the value of k and the value of cos(g) so you can apply it to k-1 and try to solve the values of coefficients with the aid of the trigonometrics functions. However the marker gives me a red cross, I don´t know what I´m doing wrong! Please help.

Problem 4,5,10,11 answers guys

12 a and 13 a also pls guys

Thank you all.

And does anyone can help me with p1,p5 and p13

Problem 1

c)a; -b

Problem 13
1; 0
0; 5

b)Last tick for multiple question


Anyone for Problem 5 though please?

Yes, anyone for Problem 5 please!