The surface area of the Great Pyramid at Giza was about 1,496,980 square feet when it was built. A model of this pyramid has a surface area of 599 square inches. what is the scale factor from the model to the actual pyramid?

To find the scale factor between the model of the pyramid and the actual pyramid, we need to compare their surface areas.

Let's start by converting the surface area of the actual pyramid from square feet to square inches. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, we can multiply the surface area by the conversion factor (12 inches/foot)² to get the surface area in square inches:

1,496,980 square feet * (12 inches/foot)² = 1,496,980 * 12² square inches
= 1,496,980 * 144 square inches
= 215,859,120 square inches

So, the surface area of the actual pyramid is 215,859,120 square inches.

Now, we can find the scale factor by dividing the surface area of the actual pyramid by the surface area of the model:

Scale factor = Surface area of actual pyramid / Surface area of model
= 215,859,120 square inches / 599 square inches
≈ 360,527

Therefore, the scale factor from the model to the actual pyramid is approximately 360,527.