Help please

Simplify the expression.
√3(5-√3) + 6√3

a) 10√3

b) 11√3 - 3

c) 5√3 + 15

d) 6√3 + 5

√3(5-√3) + 6√3

= 5√3 - 3 + 6√3

you decide.

We get 11 sqrt 3 - 3 so b)

To simplify the given expression, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the √3 to the terms inside the parentheses:
√3(5-√3) = 5√3 - (√3)^2

Step 2: Simplify (√3)^2:
√3(5-√3) = 5√3 - 3

Step 3: Add 6√3 to the simplified expression:
5√3 - 3 + 6√3 = (5√3 + 6√3) - 3

Step 4: Combine like terms:
(5√3 + 6√3) - 3 = 11√3 - 3

Therefore, the simplified expression is 11√3 - 3, which corresponds to option b).

So, the correct answer is option b) 11√3 - 3.